Free Copywriting Course for Beginners

Complete Free Copywriting Course for Beginners

How to write great copy? How to sell a product, an idea, or maybe yourself as a consult/counselor? How to write persuasive texts and speeches? In this free copywriting course for beginners, I will teach you how to easily write copy that converts.

Try to get inside the head of your dream customer. Try to understand their personality, what problems they have, what they like and dislike, what their goals are, and the obstacles that are getting in their way. When you understand your customer’s pain points you will be able to help solve the problems – and you will be in a good position to write texts and scripts that persuade your audience to listen to you and buy your products.

In this complete copywriting course you will learn how to write copy that converts:

How to Speak Your Customer’s Language

First, look at your audience. It’s very important that you have a very clear idea in your mind who it is that you are addressing when you are writing. You need to write in a way that will speak to the people you are addressing. One way to do this is to create an ideal customer avatar – an imaginary profile of a person who is your ideal customer. What jobs do they have, what hobbies, what political views, etc? You need to talk to your customers in their language.

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